The four-stack Thermco MiniBrute atmospheric furnace system provides basic oxidation and annealing capabilities needed for electron device fabrication on wafers up to 100 mm in diameter. The system is presently configured to allow either O2, 10% O2 + 90% N2, N2, or forming gas to be delivered to tubes 2 and 3. The two bottom tubes are restricted to silicon-only processing. The bottom tube, which is used only for silicon oxidation, can also be connected to a steam generator for wet oxidation processes. The top tubes are designated for general use.
Thermco Minibrute Furnace Stack Bay #1
Process Data
Process Data Tube 4: 10nm Oxide
Control Charts
Control Chart Tube 4: 10nm Oxide
MOSCAP Data Tube 4: 10nm Ox BV
MOSCAP Data Tube 4: 10nm Ox CV
Posted under Cleanroom