The University of Texas at Dallas Imaging and Histology Core Facility is located in the Natural Science and Engineering Research Laboratory (NSERL) with 3090 square feet of lab space. The core provides affordable support for basic and translational research in biological and interdisciplinary sciences through its state-of-the-art instruments, which are available to on-campus researchers and external users. The core facility is operated by the Office of Research and Innovation and employs dedicated full-time technical staff to maintain the equipment and train users.

The Imaging Core has advanced imaging systems including confocal microscopes, a high-throughput slide scanner, a multiphoton intravital microscope, electron microscopes, and various other optical instruments. The Imaging Core also houses workstations equipped with advanced image analysis software such as Imaris and cellSens Dimension. The Histology Core provides support for processing and embedding of tissue samples, sectioning and slide preparation, and cell culture.

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