Rules for UTD Cleanroom CEE Spinner Operation
- Never drip resist onto the mouth of the resist bottle. Dried resist from the mouth and cap of the resist bottle will grind into dry powder and fall back into the bottle in the form of suspended gel particles that cause comet defects on substrates for future users of the resist bottle.
- Always clean off resist from the mouth and cap of the bottle – wet a lint-free cloth with Acetone and wipe the bottle and the lid threads. If the chuck you need is coated with specks or pools of dried resist, clean it before you use it – to prevent substrates from flying off because of poor vacuum clamping.
- Never coat a substrate smaller than the diameter of the chuck. This prevents resist from being sucked back into the clamping vacuum system which reduces substrate clamping force and causes substrates to fly off during spin.
- Reduce the amount of solvent fumes escaping into the room.
a. Keep the CEE spinner hood sash closed all the time.
b. Open resist bottle next to in-draft of the CEE spinner hood opening.
c. Dip transfer pipette into the bottle of resist and draw out just enough for one substrate and lift it out of the bottle without touching the mouth.
d. Set the resist bottle down and close the lid. Solvent rapidly evaporates into the room air from the resist bottle and endangers everyone’s health in the room. Keep the bottle closed all the time, except for each individual resist extraction.
e. After depositing resist on your substrate, set the pipette on a cloth or paper blotter inside the CEE hood on the right side of the spinner.
f. At the conclusion of the spinning operation, wrap the pipette in the blotter paper and quickly deposit it in the exhausted solvent trash can.
g. Transfer the newly coated substrate to an exhausted hotplate oven quickly.
h. Immediately clean the spin bowl with acetone and a cloth by spraying the Acetone around the bowl and then quickly wiping out the bowl with the cloth.
i. Immediately transport the solvent-soaked cloth to the exhausted trash can.
j. Clean the substrate chuck with Acetone and set it on the CEE spinner at the right side of the CEE hood. (Do this in the CEE spinner hood air intake at the front of the h. (Do this in the CEE spinner hood air intake at the front of the hood to reduce solvent escaping into the room air).
k. Clean the substrate chuck with Acetone and set it on the CEE spinner at the right side of the CEE hood. (Do this in the CEE spinner hood air intake at the front of the hood to reduce solvent escaping into the room air).