• Run samples for the Aria through a cell strainer immediately before bringing them to the core to prevent clogs.
  • Bring samples and collection tubes in containers with closeable lids on ice (Coleman camp coolers work great). Bring extra sample buffer in case samples need to be diluted.
  • Collection tubes for the sorter should have high serum concentration (~30%) in cell media (such as RPMI) to compensate for dilution by sheath fluid.
  • Single-color controls should be performed regularly, especially for sensitive assays. For difficult-to-find populations, FMO (fluorescence minus one) controls can make it easier to remove background noise.
  • Viability markers will increase the fidelity of cultured populations by excluding dead or dying cells.
  • When sorting, periodically spin down collection tubes to pellet cells, reducing viability losses. For very long sorts, also refresh ice buckets.
  • Spectra analyzers can help with panel design to reduce compensation problems. The core will be happy to advise, as well.