10x Genomics Chromium X
10x Genomics Chromium controller can generate up to 10,000 barcode-containing partitions of cells rapidly and efficiently. It offers various applications of single transcriptomics, single cell genomics, single cell epigenomics and linked-reads genomics.
Agilent Fragment Analyzer
AATI Fragment Analyzer is an automated capillary-electrophoresis instrument. It resolves double-stranded nucleotide, RNA, and genomic DNA from 10 bp to 40,000 bp with a resolution of 3 bp for fragments. The Fragment analyzer offers a high sensitivity with lowest detecting concentration at 5 pg/ul.
Illumina Nextseq 2000
Illumina Nextseq 2000 is the most cost-effective sequencing platform. The newer model of Nextseq uses patterned flowcells and Illumina’s ExAmp clustering chemistry, which requires more stringent quality control. Nextseq 2000 offers broader options for data output and sequencing read length; P1 flowcells offers the smallest data output, similar to Nextseq 500 Mid-output. P2 flowcells produce a…
Thermo Fisher QuantStudio 6
Lifetechnology QuantStudio 6 is a quantitative PCR machine with interchangeable blocks of 96-well fast and 384-well. Although the instrument is mainly for the Center service use, it is offered to GC users for their need of multiple applications upon initial consultation.
Thermo Fisher SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer
Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic analyzer is a low-throughput, user-friendly benchtop system that performs Sanger sequencing or fragment analysis. A cartridge-based system allows you to use only what you need, without sharing experimental reagents, and to avoid unnecessary waste. The unique cartridge design enables multiple users to share a single SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer. Without complex setup, you…
Thermo FisherQubit 3.0 Fluorometer
Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer offers an accurate measurement of DNA and RNA concentration based on highly sensitive fluorescence quantification assays. The fluorescent dyes used in the assays emit signals only when bound on specific target molecules, which gives a far more accurate measurement than UV-based quantification.