Safety Manual and Operating Procedures
Table of Contents: Overview
- I. How to Obtain Training and Become Certified
- A. Training on Safety and Operating Procedures
- B. Training on Fabrication Equipment
- II. Violations of Safety, Behavior, or Cleanliness Policies
Safety Manual
- I. Emergency Procedures / Protocols
- A. Life-Threatening Emergency Procedures
- B. Non-Life-threatening Accident / Emergency Procedures
- C. Fire / Emergency-Evacuation Alarm Procedures
- II. Personnel
- A. Access
- B. The “Buddy”
- C. External (Non-UTD) Users of the Clean Room
- III. Safety Equipment
- A. Phone
- B. First Aid Kit
- C. Fire Extinguishers
- D. Fire Blanket
- E. Chemical Showers and Eye Wash Stations
- 1. Chemical Spills on your clothes / body
- 2. Chemical Splashes into your eyes
- F. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System
- G. Chemical spill Clean-up / Containment
- H. Calcium Gluconate Gel for HF Exposure Treatments
- IV. Chemical Safety
- A. MSDS sheets
- B. De-Ionized Water
- C. Cyanides
- D. Solvents
- E. Acids
- 1. Special Word about HF (Hydrofluoric Acid)
- F. Bases (Caustics)
- G. Flammable and Combustible Chemicals
- H. Toxic Chemicals
- I. Photoresist and Developers
- J. Cryogens (Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Helium, Solid CO2)
- K. Waste Disposal
- L. Chemical Spills
- M. Unknowns
- N. Compressed Gases
- V. Safety Guidelines
- A. Chemistry Reminder Summary
Operating Procedures
- I. General Operations Policy
- II. Proper Attire
- A. The Need for Gowning
- B. The Gowning Order
- C. Appropriate Street Clothes
- D. Eye Protection
- E. Additional Protective Wear
- III. Personal Behavior within the UTD Cleanroom
- A. Lab Entry and Exit
- B. Process Bay and Service Chase Doors
- C. Inappropriate Behavior
- D. Visitors to the UTD Clean Room
- E. Specific Behavior Guidelines
- IV. Equipment Procedures
- A. Scheduling Equipment
- B. Equipment Etiquette
- C. Equipment Manuals
- D. Introducing New Equipment
- E. Equipment Repair
- V. Chemical Procedures
- A. Standard Chemical Inventory and Availability
- B. Chemical Etiquette
- C. Chemicals and Process Training
- D. Introducing New Chemicals
Appendix A: Emergency Evacuation Plan
- I. Purpose: Emergency Evacuation Plans for the NSERL Cleanroom
- II. Fire Alarm Evacuation – From Cleanroom
- III. Toxic Gas Alarm Evacuation – From Cleanroom
Appendix B: Safety Notice – Syringe Filter
Overview of Safety and Operating Procedures Manual
This manual provides information on how to perform research within the UTD Cleanroom Research Laboratory (CRL) safely and considerately. A comprehensive and demonstrated understanding of these procedures and protocols is required of any individual who works within the CRL since it will protect both the individual users and the facility. This manual is split into three distinct sections.
The first section describes GENERAL INFORMATION on how one becomes trained and certified to work within the CRL. It also describes what measures will be taken to ensure compliance with the protocols described in this manual.
The second section describes SAFETY PROCEDURES and protocols. It includes subsections on the responsibilities of users in cases of emergency or accident, on the safety equipment distributed throughout the CRL, and on chemical safety including liquids, solids, gases and cryogens.
The third section describes OPERATING PROCEDURES covering work performed within the CRL. Examples of these procedures include how to: schedule equipment time and resolve conflicts, become trained and certified to use equipment in the CRL and bring equipment or unusual chemicals into the lab. It also includes subsections on specific personal behavior expectations, what to expect if you break the operating procedures as well as specific information on how to respond to various alarms and situations.
General Information
The following sections on Safety in the CRL and on Operating Procedures for the CRL apply to all users of the facility. Everyone doing research in the UTD CRL must have a comprehensive and demonstrated understanding of these procedures and protocols. They must be followed at all times in order to promote a safe and congenial working environment. Safety is the pre-eminent concern in all situations. Never perform a job that has high risk.
I. How to obtain training and become certified.
A. Training on Safety and Operating Procedures.
UTD CRL training will be given on a frequent basis to new users of the facility by the CRL staff as well as required courses through on-line or electronic formats. This training will provide new users with the CRL requirements for attire, behavior, safety considerations, standards of cleanliness, and equipment / processing procedures and training. This is mandatory for all users of the lab. All persons working in the UTD CRL must obtain safety-training certification from the CRL staff before access is granted to the facility. This safety training is considered a minimum for entry into the UTD CRL, but does not constitute training for equipment usage. This training must be obtained separately, but will also be provided on an as needed basis by the designated UTD CRL staff.
B. Training on Fabrication Equipment
To obtain qualifications to operate any piece of equipment in the clean room the user must first be trained by clean room staff. Additional training for specific process operations may come from an experienced user already trained by staff.
II. Violations of Safety, Behavior, or Cleanliness Policies
Persons not abiding by the policies and procedures contained herein may present a significant hazard to both the other users and the CRL facility itself. It is hoped that simple violations can be corrected by further training or education of those involved. Persistent violators of these policies will be subject to revocation of CRL access privileges.
It should be clear that any violation of these standards for safety and operating procedures is inexcusable and the offender can be disciplined by the CRL Management. In addition, all personal behavior is expected to be professional within the lab. Any form of inappropriate personal behavior must be reported and corrected. Such behavior will be met with disciplinary measures appropriate to the violation(s). A violator will ordinarily first be asked to correct their behavior and be trained to do so by the clean room staff. If they do not, further discipline may be applied by the CRL Management including revoking all UTD CRL privileges for a specified period of time. The CRL Management need not reinstate privileges if it is deemed unsafe to allow the repeat violator to re-enter the facility.
UTD Clean Room Laboratory: Safety Manual
I. Emergency Procedures / Protocols
A. Life-Threatening Emergency Procedure
The prime concern is for the safety of all personnel.
- Quickly assess the emergency as to best response, and then follow that response.
- Notify emergency personnel immediately (fire, paramedics, police), THROUGH the UTD police emergency number.
- UTD police can be reached at 911 from a UTD phone.
- UTD police can be reached by cell phone at (972)883- 2331
- Notify a UTD CRL staff member.
- Evacuate (leave) any dangerous areas (process bay, entire lab, and/or building). Remember that the recirculation of clean room air can quickly spread dangerous vapors throughout the entire UTD CRL. (See Appendix A for emergency evacuation procedures.)
- Warn others. If you must evacuate, make sure that others are notified and comply with the evacuation.
- Do not re-enter the dangerous area until an authorized official (UTD police or fire personnel) gives the all clear notification.
- Subsequent Clean Room reentry will be authorized by Clean Room Staff.
B. Non-Life-threatening Accident / Emergency Procedure
The prime concern is for the safety of all personnel, and equipment.
- Quickly assess the incident / emergency as to best response and then follow that response.
- Immediately notify available UTD CRL staff
- Contain Chemical spills as quickly as safely possible. Put chemicals into their safe storage location. For large spills, notify Clean Room Staff and exit the area.
- Shut down electrical power to malfunctioning devices using the Red EMO button.
- Evacuate (leave) any dangerous areas (process bay, entire lab, and/or building) immediately after . (See Appendix A for specific evacuation procedure.) Remember that the recirculation of clean room air can quickly spread dangerous vapors throughout the entire UTD CRL.
- Warn others. If you must evacuate, make sure that others are notified and comply with the evacuation.
C. Fire / Emergency-Evacuation Alarm Procedure
When the Fire / Emergency- Evacuation Alarm sounds: the safety of all personnel, and equipment is the prime concern. Add description of NSERL alarm system
- Evacuate the UTD CRL as quickly and as safely possible.
- Do NOT remove your clean room clothes. Immediately exit according to the emergency evacuation plan in Appendix A.
- Do NOT go looking around to find out why the alarm is sounding, exit immediately.
- Warn others. Make sure that others are notified and encourage them to comply with the evacuation.
II. Personnel
Access to the CRL is a revocable privilege, and is available only during the hours published by the CRL Management. Users may not enter the UTD CRL outside normal working hours. A UTD “Comet Card” is required for access by all users.
Often we forget the single best safety system available to us in the laboratory, a “buddy.” Never work alone in any portion of the UTD CRL. The “buddy” must be a colleague who understands what you are doing enough to competently help you in event of an accident or emergency. It is the responsibility of each user to obtain a “buddy” during their work by verbally notifying the intended buddy that they are their designated buddy. When leaving, notify your buddy that you are leaving. Staff can assist in serving as a “buddy” by advance arrangement with the clean room Management in some circumstances.
C. External (Non-UTD) Users of the Clean Room
External (Non-UTD) users, such as companies or other educational institutions, may be granted access to the UTD CRL in accordance with approved agreements, policies and regulations by the CRL Management and the UT-System. In addition, the following conditions must be met:
- An approved, signed agreement must be on file with UTD and the CRL Management.
- A list of all user employees must be provided by the external user upon agreement execution and renewal, as well as with any changes in employees.
- No currently enrolled student may work as an employee or contractor of an external user in the CRL.
- External users must adhere to all policies and procedures for the UTD clean room Research Laboratory.
III. Safety Equipment
Users must know how to use the following safety equipment and their locations.
There are three cordless phones in the clean room. One is located in Bay 5 another in Bay 1 and the third is mounted on the wall at the central column in the vestibule hallway. Note that if the building power goes out, these phones quit working.
The First Aid Kit is located in the CRL in the gowning room on top of the entry table next to the booties dispenser. This kit will have band-aids, and standard first aid bandages for small abrasions or burns.
There are 2 fire extinguishers Located behind stainless steel doors in the wall at the vestibule columns. Familiarize yourself with the location of this equipment. Use these only to contain small fires – i.e. trashcan fires, cr wipe on a hotplate, etc. and after help has been summoned.
The fire blanket is mounted on the front column located in the UTD CRL vestibule close to the gowning room entry and resides inside the red cylinder labeled “Fire Blanket”. Wrap a burning victim in this blanket securely to put out the flames – call for help. Familiarize yourself with the location of this equipment.
E. Chemical Showers and Eye Wash Stations
There are shower / eyewash stations located at the vestibule end of each bay inside the UTD CRL.
1. Chemical Spills on your clothes / body
Use the shower if you spill dangerous chemicals on your clothes / body. Speed is essential. Do not hesitate. Working together with your buddy, immediately begin flushing with plenty of water and continue to flush for at least 15 minutes. While showering, remove your affected clothing so as to remove the source of chemical danger from yourself. Concerns about modesty must not interfere with avoiding serious injury. A spare blue smock is hung next to each shower for cover after the shower. Do not put contaminated clothing back on after rinsing. Summon appropriate medical assistance as soon as possible and get a thorough medical evaluation.
2. Chemical Splashes into your eyes
Use the eyewash stations located at the end of each bay if chemicals have splashed into your eyes. Call for help so that your buddy can lead you to the eyewash station and assist. Speed is essential. Do not hesitate. Let the water flow over your closed eyes for a few moments before beginning to open them. This will make sure that the water is clear and pure. Wash out your eyes with water for at least 15 minutes after opening them. If you have splashed chemicals both in your eyes and on your body, then you may want to use the shower first and rinse your eyes in the shower. After showering, rinse your eyes using the eyewash station as well. Remove any affected clothing while rinsing your eyes at the eyewash station so as to remove the source of chemical danger from yourself. Concerns about modesty must not interfere with avoiding serious injury. A spare smock is hung next to each eyewash station for cover after the rinse. Do not put contaminated clothing back on after rinsing. Summon appropriate medical assistance as soon as possible and get a thorough medical evaluation.
F. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System
The UTD CRL has an automatic fire sprinkler system activated by heat. Also, any pressure drop sensed in the waterline automatically trips the fire alarms and notifies the UTD police.
G. Chemical spill Clean-up / Containment
Notify CRL Staff immediately of the spill. Assist in cleaning the spill ONLY if requested by a CRL Staff member. There are chemical spill absorbing compounds located at each hood in the clean room. Note that there are plastic jars of neutralizer granules for acids, bases, and absorber granules for solvent spills. The general application method is to pour a ring around the spill to initially contain it and then fill in the ring to complete the absorption and containment.
H. Calcium Gluconate Gel for HF Exposure Treatments
Calcium gluconate gel cream (sometimes called “HF antidote”) is available near the acid hood in a “toothpaste” tube form. Familiarize yourself with the location of this tube of gel. It can be applied to your skin (in a topical cream form) and must always be available and within reach whenever HF is used. Apply the gel all around and on the exposure in lavish amounts immediately. In addition, anyone exposed to HF must go to an appropriate medical care facility for evaluation and treatment as quickly as safely possible. The exposure must be reported to the CRL Management.
Calcium gluconate provides extra calcium ions which can bind-up free fluorine ions before they penetrate your body and cause damage. In cases of skin contact, calcium gluconate gel must be applied immediately to the area of contact. In cases where systemic damage is a risk, calcium gluconate can be administered by a healthcare professional using an IV.
See the comments below in the “Acids” section as well.
IV. Chemical Safety
You must always know the properties of the chemicals you are using in the UTD CRL. In broad terms, chemicals fall into a few classes: Water, Cyanides, Solvents, Acids and Bases. Other descriptors are often used to describe chemicals as well. These include “toxic,” “flammable,” “combustible,” “cryogenic” and the state of the chemical (solid, liquid or gas). These classes and descriptors may not cover all possible chemical properties, but are nearly always used to characterize our chemicals. The properties of every chemical you use in the lab can be discovered by examining its Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). You must be familiar with the MSDS information before using any chemical. All chemicals must be physically transferred into the clean room facility by CRL staff – no exceptions.
MSDS information is contained in notebooks located on the table just inside the clean room gowning room..
De-ionized water is provided for fabrication process purposes only, is not considered potable water, and must not be ingested.
Cyanides are generally highly toxic compounds that can release a highly toxic gas ( for example, Hydrogen Cyanide, HCN) if they come into contact with an acid. Use of these materials is restricted and only done with prior approval of the CRL Management in a hood following the safety restriction of the MSDS sheet completely.
Solvents may only be used in the solvent hoods and an inventory of typical ULSI grade solvents is provided. They are often very volatile – (they evaporate very quickly and therefore could get into your lungs and poison you) – many are known carcinogens, and many are flammable or combustible. Examples include: Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Methyl Alcohol, Methylene Chloride and Benzene. Clearance for all solvents must be secured from CRL Management prior to their introduction into the clean room. Note that in general solvents target the central nervous system and especially the female reproductive organs.
Acids may only be used in the acid hoods and a supply of typical etchants is provided as standard stock by the clean room. Acids can cause severe body damage on contact: they can chemically burn the body, they can be toxic, they can cause rapid heating through exothermic reactions (and thermally burn the body) and they can even initiate explosions. Examples include: Hydrofluoric (HF), (Hydrochloric) HCl, (Sulfuric) H2SO4, (Nitric) HNO3, (Ammonium Fluoride) NH4F, (Perchloric) HClO4, (Acetic) C2H4O2 and (Buffered Oxide Etch) Mix of water, NH4F and HF. Note that some acids require special precautions. For example, perchloric acid cannot be used in a standard acid hood. Clearance for all etchants must be secured from CRL Management prior to their introduction into the cleanroom.
Concentrated HF is considered “extremely” toxic – (4 on the health hazard scale of 0-4). This is because it is a source of free fluorine ions. Any solution containing a source of free fluorine ions is also hazardous to your health. A concentrated ammonium fluoride solution is “very’ toxic (3 on the health hazard scale) and becomes “extremely” toxic when made more acidic, such as in Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE) mixtures. Consequently, BOE presents the same level of toxic hazard to your body as 49% HF even though 20:1 BOE has much less “HF” in it (about 7% of volume) than “pure” HF (about 49% of volume). It is equally hazardous because it also has about 38% NH4F, and is acidic.
On contact, fluorine ions (from the HF) easily pass through skin and tissue. Because
HF’s action can be delayed for many hours, it can distribute throughout your body. The negatively charged fluorine ions bind very easily and tightly to positively charged calcium and magnesium ions to form insoluble salts (CaF2 and MgF2 salts form some natural gemstones). In the body, Ca and Mg ions mediate a variety of physiological processes, such as muscle movement and body chemistry. Calcium is also a chief component in bone. The result can be several severe forms of damage to your body and even death!
Local tissue damage (at the point of contact) results from free hydrogen ions which cause corrosive chemical burns and free fluorine ions which cause deep tissue damage including erosion of your bones.
Systemic conditions include hypocalcemia (loss of calcium) and hyperkalemia (too much potassium). Since calcium and potassium regulate the beating of your heart, an irregular heartbeat and cardiac arrest can result. “Deaths have been reported from concentrated acid burns to as little as 2.5% of body surface exposed to skin contact.” That is the equivalent of a single hand.
Even dilute HF must be treated with extreme caution. It is highly dangerous to your body because it can poison you without your knowledge. Dilute HF may not cause a visible and painful skin burn (or tissue burn), and you can be fooled because you do not feel any pain. Even so, the fluorine ions can soak through the skin and upset your body’s Ca and K balance as well as etch away your bones. The result may only become extremely painful hours after the exposure.
Calcium gluconate gel cream (sometimes called “HF antidote”) is available near the acid hood in a “toothpaste” tube form. Familiarize yourself with the location of this tube of gel. It can be applied to your skin (in a topical cream form) and must always be available and within reach whenever HF is used. Apply the gel all around and over the exposure in lavish amounts immediately. In addition, anyone exposed to HF must go to an appropriate medical care facility for evaluation and treatment as quickly as safely possible. The exposure must be reported to the CRL Management.
Calcium gluconate provides extra calcium ions, which can scavenge free fluorine ions (to form CaF2) before they penetrate your body and cause damage. In cases of skin contact, calcium gluconate gel must be applied immediately to the area of contact. In cases where systemic damage is a risk, calcium gluconate can be administered by a healthcare professional using an IV. Anyone exposed to HF must go to an appropriate medical care facility for evaluation and treatment. The exposure must also be reported to the clean room management.
Note also that Hydrogen Fluoride gas is extremely toxic as well. It very easily dissolves in water to become Hydrofluoric Acid. Gaseous HF can easily become liquid and liquid HF can easily become a vapor; so HF- and NH4F- containing solutions give off toxic HF fumes. If you breathe these fumes, you are bringing HF into your lungs where it is rapidly absorbed by the blood stream and distributed throughout your body. Therefore, HF containing chemical containers may only be opened and used in an appropriately vented Acid hood with all required safety gear.
Bases (also referred to as caustics) can only be used in an approved hood and a supply of typical caustics is provided. They can cause severe burns, severe irritation, pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, deep skin ulcers, coughing, breathing difficulty, shock, blindness, possibly even coma and death. Examples of bases include: (Potassium Hydroxide) KOH, (Sodium Hydroxide) NaOH, (Ammonium Hydroxide) NH4OH, and Photoresist Developers. Clearance for all caustics must be secured from CRL Management prior to their introduction into the clean room..
G. Flammable and Combustible Chemicals
Users must obtain approval prior to introduction into the clean room for any flammable or combustible chemicals from the CRL Management. These chemicals must be used in approved hoods with appropriate fire extinguishers/suppression systems.
Many chemicals are toxic in one form or another. See the MSDS sheet for appropriate safety precautions and then follow those precautions. Users must obtain approval from the CRL Management prior to introduction into the clean room for any toxic chemicals.
Most photoresists are a mixture of solvents, novolac resins and photo-active compounds. The resulting chemical can be toxic, flammable and/or irritating. Use these chemicals only in approved ventilated areas, such as solvent hoods or photoresist spinners. As a reminder, do not breathe the vapors given off by photoresist as it bakes on a hotplate. Utilize the “hooded” hotplates on the CEE coater and associated bake stations. This hotplate can be precisely set to any desired temperature and it has an exhausted cover to capture the escaping vapors.
Most Photoresist Developers are bases. See the Bases section above for further information.
J. Cryogens (Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Helium, Solid CO2)
Liquid nitrogen, Liquid Argon, Liquid Helium and Solid CO2 (dry ice) are examples of cryogens. Cryogenic chemicals present a safety hazard due to their extreme cold. Users should be familiar with this hazard and use appropriate cryogen gloves as well as designated personal protective equipment against the freezing effects. Under no circumstances should a user allow to contact LN2 with their body. Severe injury can result from such contact.
All cryogens listed above can displace the oxygen in the air your body needs to live as they evaporate. Therefore you must only use nitrogen, liquid nitrogen, helium, liquid helium
and carbon dioxide in well-ventilated rooms and after having performed an analysis of the amount of air that could be displaced by the cryogen proposed for use. Provided only a small fraction of the air will be displaced, the cryogen can be used safely. Keep the room especially well ventilated during use.
Filling of all cryogenic vessels shall be done by CRL Staff. Users should make arrangements in advance for their needs.
The CRL has clearly identified waste streams for solvents, acids, caustics, sharps, and other associated trash. Never pour solvents down the water sink drain! The CRL solvent hoods are equipped with solvent sinks connected to waste containers under the hood deck that are properly exhausted. New acid hoods are equipped with acid neutralization facilities, permitting the disposal of diluted acids down the acid waste drain system, which is drained into the back dock acid neutralization system.
Notify CRL Staff immediately of the spill. Clean up of chemical spills (outside hoods) shall be performed only by CRL Staff. After notifying the CRL Staff, cordon off the area and have your “buddy” or another user restrict access to the area until the CRL Staff member arrives to clean the area up. Small volume (< 1liter) chemical spills inside of hoods should be cleaned up safely after consultation with CRL Staff.
Never use unknown/unlabeled chemicals. Report any unlabelled chemicals to CRL staff immediately. All chemicals should be both labeled and dated at all times. The label should describe the chemical in the container (beaker, flask, bottle, etc.), have an expiration date, the owner contact information, and date.
Compressed gas cylinders present a significant safety hazard to lab personnel. A broken off valve can cause high-pressure gas to launch the cylinder causing great physical danger and damage. Leaks hooking up the cylinder to system lines can cause chemical injury to lungs, fire hazards, etc.
Only personnel authorized by the CRL Management are allowed to change, replace, or otherwise handle compressed gas bottles. Cylinders are to be properly anchored. Some equipment may require the use of small gas bottles within the machinery – these will be handled on a case-by-case manner. Toxic gas bottles may only be stored and used inside designated toxic gas cabinets appropriate for them. Toxic gas monitors will be employed where necessary for safety. Only authorized personnel may handle these systems. There are no exceptions.
V. Safety Guidelines
- Never work alone in the UTD CRL. In addition you must have a spotter “buddy” present for safety.
- When in doubt, ask questions of experienced personnel before taking any action.
- Always clean up after yourself and clean the aisles of chairs and other obstructions.
- Do not work in the UTD CRL if you feel particularly tired or unwell (heavy cold, etc.) or if you have taken even a small amount of alcohol.
- For safety reasons, do not sit on worktables or lean on benches or equipment.
- Contact lenses are not allowed when using chemicals, since vapors can be drawn under the lenses by absorption and capillary action and concentrated there. Wear prescription glasses and safety glasses instead.
- When pouring or refilling liquid N2, proper goggles and insulating gloves are required
- Always wear complete safety apparel when handling chemicals and follow all safety instructions. An acid proof apron, face shield, and acid gloves are required when using acids. (Basically, any time you poke your hand inside an acid hood when acid is present, you should have full “acid armor” on! Beware that residual drops or small puddles observed inside the acid hood could very well consist of an acid!!)
- Do not touch your face, nose, mouth, etc. when wearing acid gloves. Skin damage can result from glove contamination. In addition, skin oils can spoil processes and contaminate samples by transfer from face to glove to sample.
- Do not leave hazardous equipment/materials unattended when in use (e.g. chemicals on hotplates, liquids in beakers in hoods, etc.) Before starting an experiment, the user must label the containers for his process with all of the following information:
a. User name
b. How to contact the user (phone number required)
c. A complete list of all the chemicals being used or equipment process parameters
- The date/time the user initiated use of the chemicals
- Please keep chairs pushed out of the aisle ways when you finish so that an obstacle-free escape route is maintained.
- The following chemical types must be stored in separate storage cabinets and properly labeled: a) acids, b) solvents, and c) bases. Do not place chemicals in the wrong cabinet.
- When mixing etches, always add acid to water. Never add water to acid. (If you add water to acid, exothermal mixing energy can cause the water to rapidly heat to the boiling point and splatter a mixture of water and acid.)
- Before removing acid gloves, rinse well with water at a sink to remove any remaining acid. Do not allow water to get inside gloves.
- Wear goggles and insulating gloves when pouring liquid N2.
- Rinse empty chemical bottles 3 times with DI water and label “rinsed.”
- Acids react with cyanides to produce extremely dangerous hydrogen cyanide gas.
- Concentrated acids react violently with concentrated bases
- Acids can cause flammables, such as acetone or other solvents to catch fire.
- Oxidizers, such as hydrogen peroxide, can cause spontaneous combustion of flammables, such as solvents.
UTD Clean Room Laboratory: Operating Procedures
I. General Operations Policy
The following bullets present some of the more general operational policies that all users are expected to follow. Each of these topics is covered in greater detail in the appropriate sections presented later.
- No food or drink may be brought into any area of the CRL.
- Regularly wipe down tables and equipment surfaces with DI water and Clean Room Lint-Free towels. Users may be designated by CRL Management to do this on a regular schedule as well.
- Always clean up after yourself.
- No personal items (such as backpacks, makeup, combs, brushes, handkerchiefs, etc.) may be brought into the UTD CRL or the gowning area.
- No paper should enter the UTD CRL unless it is UTD CRL certified lint-free.
- No spray cans or powdered materials are allowed in the UTD CRL or gowning area.
- No cardboard boxes or packages are to be brought into the UTD CRL.
- Shoes should be clean and free from dried mud, dirt, etc. before walking over the tacky mat and putting on the booties.
- Use the tacky mats to do a final clean of your shoe soles before covering with booties. Make sure the tacky mat is clean before stepping on it. Remove heavily soiled tacky mats prior to stepping on them. Dirty mats are a contaminant source.
- UTD CRL garments are only to be worn inside the UTD CRL areas. The only exception to this rule is in an emergency. In that case, the garment may not be worn in the clean room after having been worn outside and must be returned to the designated laundry bin..
- UTD CRL garments must be laundered on a regular basis and whenever they become frayed from use or stained from chemical spills/splashes.
II. Proper Attire
Everyone entering the UTD CRL must be properly attired before proceeding into the lab. Proper attire includes all of the following: appropriate street clothes, including closed toe shoes complete UTD CRL garments (booties, hoods, UTD CRL smock and gloves) and approved safety glasses.
The primary reason for gowning in clean room attire before entering the facility is to maintain the cleanliness of the facility. Humans are major sources of both contaminants and particulates (dust). The contamination of the facility by exposure to human skin, hair and street clothes must be minimized to promote a reasonable research environment. People shed both particles and chemical contaminants (skin oils, sodium, saliva etc.) that can destroy the ability of researchers to fabricate good devices if not properly contained.
Everyone entering the UTD CRL must properly dress in the gowning area before entering. We have adopted new clean room attire to reduce particulate contamination in the clean room. The correct gowning order is as follows:
- Enter the clean room lobby and walk on the sticky mat.
- Put on clean shoe covers (blue or white booties) at the entry bench, a. Check the booties for holes or cuts and discard bad booties.
- Put on a Hair net ensuring that all hair is contained.
- Put on the jump suit.
- Put on white shoe covers.
- Put on clean room gloves (no powder gloves) folded over the sleeves of the coverall.
- Put on safety goggles.
The garments are removed in the reverse order when leaving the clean room. The
garments are laundered every week. The laundry schedule calls for all garments to be gathered and put into the commercial laundry barrel on Friday nights – a staff operation.
The proper attire prior to entering the gowning area includes long pants full length socks and closed-toe shoes with low heels. These are necessary to obtain sufficient protection while working in the lab. Shorts (or some other forms of dress), bare midriffs, bare feet and open-toe shoes including sandals are not allowed. They do not adequately protect the user, nor do they adequately protect the clean room environment from the user. In addition, long flowing garments and jewelry are not allowed. They can inadvertently contact dangerous materials or catch in a mechanical pinch point.
Everyone in the UTD CRL is required to wear approved eye protection. (This includes visitors to the UTD CRL.) Contact lenses do not provide adequate eye protection and in fact can be hazardous in the presence of chemical vapors. Therefore, contact lenses are not allowed in the UTD CRL. Wear corrective glasses instead. Safety glasses must be worn over corrective glasses and are available in the gowning area. Please return your safety glasses to the rack when exiting.
Persons performing specific chemical processes, such as working with acids, must wear additional designated personal protective equipment (PPE) attire. This includes the use of appropriate gloves, face guards, and chemical aprons for protection against spills or splashes. Such attire is stored in the vicinity of the acid hood for convenient access. Its’ location is noted during the initial training.
Additionally, workers in the clean room are required to use latex gloves duringordinary handling of their specimens and equipment, to avoid contact with skin. These gloves should be considered contaminated when leaving and must be discarded before exiting the clean room. Office doors or other outside items should not be handled while wearing these gloves, for both your own safety and that of colleagues or visitors to your office areas.
III. Personal Behavior within the UTD Clean Room
Entry is only permitted through the main entry door (card reader). Entry or exit through the process bay doors or the service chase doors is not permitted except in case of emergency. Everyone must swipe their comet card on the clean room entry card reader even if they are following someone through the open door.
B. Process Bay and Service Chase Doors
The doors in the vestibule hall are to be considered only emergency exits by users. They are not to be used for ordinary entry or exit to the clean room, or for thru-the-door material pass-through.
Entry to the chase areas is restricted to the CRL Staff except for special entry accompanied by a staff member. Specifically, there shall be no crawling under the wall to access the chase by users.
Any violation of these standards for safety and operating procedures is inexcusable and the offender can be disciplined by the CRL Management. All personal behavior is expected to be professional within the lab. Any form of inappropriate personal behavior must be reported and stopped. Such behavior will be met with disciplinary measures appropriate to the violation(s). A violator will ordinarily first be asked to correct their behavior. If they do not, further discipline may be applied by the CRL Management, including the revocation all UTD CRL privileges for a specified period of time. The CRL Management need not reinstate privileges if it is deemed unsafe to allow the repeat violator to re-enter the facility.
D. Visitors to the UTD Clean Room
Visitors may be taken into the UTD CRL provided all of the following requirements have been met:
- The clean room staff has been apprised of the reason for the visit and has approved the visit.
- An authorized UTD CRL user must be present to escort a visitor to the UTD CRL. Only persons who have passed all required training and are authorized to work in the lab are authorized to escort a visitor. The escort will be held responsible for the safety of his/her visitor; consequently, the escort must remain with the visitor during the entire visit.
- All visitors must be properly gowned (clean room garments identifying them as a visitor along with safety glasses).
- All visitors must abide by the UTD CRL safety policies and operating procedures. All rules of safety and personal behavior will remain in effect during the visit. The escort will be held responsible for any violations.
- Visitors are not allowed to operate tools.
E. Specific Behavior Guidelines
- Before operating any tool, sign-in to the logbook, and fill in all the information. For example if you are using an etch tool, fill in 1. The material etched, 2. The mask used, and 3. The stop layer material. All necessary information needs to be recorded in the logbook.
- Always cleanup after yourself AS SOON AS you have finished a process or using a tool.
- Note any tool malfunctions in the associated logbook and also report them to CRL staff.
- Any debris on the floor or at a work station in the UTD CRL is to be picked up and properly disposed. Assume the responsibility for a neat, clean and safe work area. Please return your chair to a safe position out of the aisle way when you get up.
- Do not operate equipment until first trained by clean room staff.
- Touching any surface in the UTD CRL requires wearing appropriate gloves.
- Touching of quartz ware for furnaces is off-limits unless utilizing it in process. Handling quartz ware in process requires wearing the appropriate PPE, which includes heat resistant gloves when loading and unloading materials from the furnaces.
- All materials, samples, etc. that are not in the process of being worked on must be stored in a designated covered box. Chemicals will NOT be stored in such boxes. ALL OTHER MATERIALS WILL BE DISPOSED BY CRL STAFF PERIODICALLY.
- All beakers, graduated cylinders, etc., should be emptied, rinsed and dried at the end of their use and stored properly. Rinse out empty chemical bottles (3 times minimum) and label “rinsed”.
- Do not leave hazardous equipment/materials unattended when in use (e.g. chemicals on hotplates, etc.).
- Gloves, aprons, safety glasses or face shields are not to be left laying on the worktables or equipment. Return them to their storage locations.
- Do not touch your face when wearing plastic or rubber gloves.
- Do not taste, smell or touch any chemical, vapor or gas.
- Never mix acids and solvents. Keep all solvents away from acid areas and vice-versa. Do not store them together. Use the correct chemical hood for each process.
- Never store a chemical container on the floor.
- Small amounts of solvents for individual use may be kept inside appropriately labeled squeeze bottles and stored in the solvent hoods.
- Use chemicals in well-ventilated chemical hoods.
- Never work alone.
- Dispose of wipes in properly labeled red waste cans.
- Do not use unlabeled chemicals.
- Broken wafers and glassware are disposed of in a “sharps” trash-container and not in the regular trash bin. Make certain the sharps are free of chemicals before disposal.
- If you break a wafer or piece of glass, the affected area must also be vacuumed to remove the particles – contact the CRL Staff for assistance.
IV. Equipment procedures
All equipment is presently scheduled according to CRL Management procedures. Contact CRL Management for details.
Each piece of fabrication or characterization equipment in the UTD CRL will have one or more designated modes of operation. These will be detailed in operation manuals accompanying each machine. These modes are the only accepted modes in which each machine may be operated. If users need to operate outside of the standard operational boundaries, they must first obtain permission from the lab staff. The machine must be returned to standard operational conditions and parameters at the conclusion of the special operation.
Tool user must fill out the logbook with necessary information by the time the scheduled session on the tool ends. Logbook information is critical for the lab staff for both safety and maintenance purposes. Failing to do so is considered a safety violation and will trigger disciplinary action starting with a 10 day suspension of lab access, escalating up to a 6 month or even a lifetime suspension for repeated noncompliance.
Equipment manuals are continuously being developed by the clean room staff and are periodically posted on the clean room web site which is embedded in the general UTD web site under “Centers” and listed as “Clean Room.” In the clean room section you can find the equipment manuals under “Manuals.”
A goal of the lab is to be flexible and provide required capability to all users. It is expected that from time to time, users will want to introduce new equipment into the UTD CRL. Introduction of anything new into the UTD CRL without the approval of the CRL Management is prohibited. Proposals must be provided sufficiently in advance to the CRL Management so that its safety and compatibility with other aspects of the lab can be managed and supported in a safe and clean manner. Final decisions on the appropriateness of such new introductions to the UTD CRL rest with the management.
Only authorized personnel (designated CRL staff) are permitted to repair equipment. Also, no machines may be altered from their normal operating conditions without the express permission of staff. During the time the special conditions exist, a sign must be displayed to note the conditions. When the experiment is completed with the machine out of its normal condition, the machine must be returned to normal operating conditions.
Report any malfunctioning equipment to CRL staff as soon as possible. Do not leave it to be discovered by the next user.
V. Chemical Procedures
A. Standard Chemical Inventory and Availability
All chemicals used in the CRL facility must be approved by the CRL Management and inventoried. Chemicals can not be brought into the CRL facility by users without the explicit approval of the CRL Management. Users requiring fresh chemicals which have been depleted in the CRL stock must contact the CRL Staff, who will transport those chemicals safely to the CRL facility for users.
All users are required to follow all established procedures for proper handling of any chemical that they use in the clean room. This includes providing the lab management with appropriate documentation (MSDS required, including an electronic copy mailed to the safety officer), proper storage of the chemicals within the lab or adjacent areas, correct use of the chemicals in their processes, proper disposal of used chemicals.
C. Chemicals and Process Training
Users are responsible for the development of specific chemical processes and recipes for their own needs. Training on these recipes is the responsibility of the user, and details on the training must be provided to the CRL Management. General safety practices associated with the usage, storage and handling of chemicals is provided during the certification process, but this training is no substitute for the detailed safety training required for user-specific recipes. Certain chemicals are discussed during the annual training and broad classes of chemicals are discussed in the safety manual.
A goal of the lab is to be flexible and provide required capability to all users. It is expected that from time to time, users will want to introduce new chemicals, or processes into the UTD CRL. Introduction of anything new into the UTD CRL without the expressed knowledge and permission of the CRL Management is prohibited. Proposals must be provided sufficiently in advance to the CRL Management so that its safety and compatibility with other aspects of the lab can be managed and supported in a safe and clean manner. MSDS sheets for the proposed chemicals must be included as part of the request. Final decisions on the appropriateness of such new introductions to the UTD CRL rest with the management. Before any new chemical is introduced to the clean room, an electronic copy of the MSDS sheet must be mailed to the staff safety officer. All chemicals and materials must be transferred into the clean room by CRL staff – no exceptions.
Appendix A: Emergency Evacuation Plan
I. Purpose: Emergency Evacuation plans for the NSERL Cleanroom
II. Fire Alarm Evacuation – from Clean Room
- Vestibule hallway Red Light and White Strobe light Flashing and Horn sounding with human voice instructions:
- Exit immediately (without removing smocks) through the sliding glass doors at the end of the Bay (Red Arrows in Figure 1)
- Take note of who is in the bay with you and insure that everyone exits.
- Proceed straight through the wooden emergency Exit doors immediately in front of each bay.
- Turn right and exit the building through the wood office area exit door.
- Go to the grassy area or parking lot away from the building.
- Gather with other Clean Room users for head count.
- Do not go back into the building until the Fire Department sounds the all clear.
- Options
- If a fire or other obstruction is between you and the preferred exit door, exit through the back doors into the back hallway, turn left and go around to the front of the building through the hallway to the elevator lobby and out to the grassy area or parking lot. (Blue Arrows in Figure 1)
III. Toxic Gas Alarm Evacuation – from Cleanroom
- Toxic Gas Monitor System Light Yellow or Red – located in the upper South East corner of each bay (Green Circles in Figure 1)
- Exit immediately (without removing smocks) through the sliding glass doors at the end of the Bay
- Take note of who is in the bay with you and insure that everyone exits.
- Proceed straight through the wooden emergency Exit doors immediately in front of each bay.
- If the light is yellow, stop in the Clean Room office area until it clears or turns red.
- If it turns Red, exit the building through the wood office area exit door.
- Go out of the building to the grassy area or parking lot away from the building.
- Gather with other Clean Room users for head count.
- Do not go back into the building until the Fire Department sounds the all clear.
- Exit immediately (without removing smocks) through the sliding glass doors at the end of the Bay
If the light is flashing Blue, notify a Clean Room Staff member immediately. Call staff if this happens on a weekend. Staff phone numbers are posted above the vestibule phone on the center column.

Appendix B: Safety Notice – Syringe Filter
Roger Robbins
Lord High Chief Safety Officer of the Entire Clean Room
On January 29, 2009, the Clean room experienced a minor accident whereby liquid from a syringe with a filter squirted onto the face of a student. The student had loaded a viscous liquid into a 1 ml syringe and attached a filter to the nozzle to apply the material to a sample. Since the fluid was viscous, the student had to apply a large force to the plunger to force the fluid through the filter. The problem was that the syringe and filter were held on by hand because of the design of the syringe. The applied pressure forced separation of the filter from the syringe and allowed a stream of fluid to erupt, hitting the student in the face.
Because of the possible serious consequences of this type of accident and the currently common use of this application method in the Clean Room, the Clean Room has decided to provide Luer Lock syringes to allow locked attachment between syringe and filter. The new syringes are 3 ml size and are located in a labeled tray on the top shelf of the Hot Plate table next to the resist transfer pipettes. Unlocked 1 ml syringes should not be used with a filter.


I have read and fully understand the UTD Cleanroom Laboratory
Rules, Safety Manual and Operating Procedures. I acknowledge that my activities in the CRL and associated areas may be monitored electronically. I further agree to abide the content of these documents, and comply with any other instructions provided by the CRL Management and Staff. I also understand that these documents and instructions can be amended at any time.
Signature Date
Printed Name: __________
Title: _________
Company Represented (if applicable):
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