The Material Surface Technology Resource (MaSTeR) is a 4800 sqft laboratory located in NSERL, 3rd floor. It is divided into five sections:

Wet Chemistry Area
  • 2 preparation rooms, each equipped with 2 hoods
  • M-Braun glove boxes, with H2O and O2 control
  • 2 furnaces 100oC
  • 2 tube furnace 1200oC
  • Centrifuge
  • Mettler toledo Microgram scale
  • Rayonet UV
  • 12 tons press
  • Chemical storage cabinet, fridge and freezer
Process and Characterization Area
Corrosive gas area

This area regroups H2/O torches for glass sealing, and experimental tools using gases like NO, SO2, H2, D2. That room is equipped with gas detection sensors. The gas cylinders are located in the LER, in dedicated explosion proof gas cabinet. All gas lines are double wall tubing, with safety valves.

Linear Equipment Room

The LER is used for storage purposes and to house equipment like chillers, burn box, explosion proof gas cabinets, compressors and mechanical pumps. All the main distribution of house gas (compressed dry air, N2), liquids (D.I. water, chilled water, hot water) and electricity go through that area and are then redistributed into the lab.

The MaSTeR facility is accessible to both internal (UTD) and external (Universities, companies) costumers.

MaSTeR was initially the Laboratory for Surface and Nanostructure Modification (LSNM), established in 2007 by Prof. Yves J. Chabal. After his retirement in Aug. 2018, the LSNM became the MaSTeR, a facility to serve the research community at UTD, and then opened to external companies.

Contact Us

Please contact Dr. Jeff Veyan if you have any questions.