Illumina Nextseq 2000

September 14, 2022

Illumina Nextseq 2000 is the most cost-effective sequencing platform. The newer model of Nextseq uses patterned flowcells and Illumina’s ExAmp clustering chemistry, which requires more stringent quality control. Nextseq 2000 offers broader options for data output and sequencing read length; P1 flowcells offers the smallest data output, similar to Nextseq 500 Mid-output. P2 flowcells produce a similar number of reads when compared to Nextseq 500 High-output. P3 flowcells have physically larger sequencing lanes than P1/P2 flowcells, which allows producing more than 2.5 times more data than Nextseq 500 High-output. We will utilize BaseSpace Cloud for convenient data transfer.

Posted under Genome