Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence system equipped with 4 laser lines with individual control
- Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) and Highly-Inclined Laminated Optical sheet (HILO) imaging
- Variable TIRF depth
- Temperature, humidity, CO2 control
- 4 channels with individual beam paths with FRAP optics for first line
- Beam splitter for simultaneous 2 color imaging
Internal user $32/hour
Manual is currently not available.
- Olympus IX83 Fully Motorized Inverted Microscope
- Zero Drift Compensator (IX3-ZDC2) laser-based autofocus
- Ultrasonic automated stage and Multiple Area Time Lapse Stage Control Software, as well as Well Plate Navigator Tool for multi-area time-lapse and multi-area mosaic image stitching
- Tokai hit stage-top live-cell incubation chamber
Light Sources
- Laser diode 405 nm (100 mW), 488 nm (100 mW), 561 nm (100 mW) (DPSS), 640 nm (100 mW)
- X-CITE 120 LED-Based Transmitted and Epifluorescence Illumination
Conventional Fluorescence Filters
- Dapi
- Green
- Red
Air objectives
- UPLFLN4xPH; U PLAN FLUORITE 4x phase, NA 0.13, WD 17 mm
- UPLFLN10x2PH; U PLAN FL 10x phase, NA 0.3, WD 10 mm
- UCPLFLN20xPH; C PLAN FL 20x phase, Correction collar, NA 0.7, WD 0.8-1.8 mm
- LUCPLFLN40xPH; LWD U PLAN FL 40x phase, Correction collar, NA 0.6, WD 2.7-4.0
Oil objective for TIRF and HILO microscopy
- UAPON 100 x OTIRF; UAPO 100 x TIRF , NA 1.49, WD 0.1 mm
- TRF49901-OL3; ET-405 nm LASER TIRF SET
- TRF49904-OL3; ET-488 nm LASER TIRF SET
- TRF49904-OL3; ET-488 nm LASER TIRF SET
- TRF49909-OL3; ET-561 nm LASER TIRF SET
- TRF49914-OL3; ET-640-647 nm LASER TIRF SET
- TRF89901-OL3; ET-405/488/561/640 nm Laser Quad TIRF
- W-View Gemini optical splitter for simultaneous smFRET detection
- IXON ultra 897 EMCCD, 56 FPS, 512 x 512, 16 µm pixel size.
Computer and Software
- HP Windows 764 bit Confocal Workstation and 30” Monitor 2 x 1 TB HD, RAID 1, 32GB DDR3
- Olympus CellSens Integrated Software for Automated Multi-Dimensional Acquisition, Multi-Area Stitching, and Well Plate Scanning. Includes analysis for FRET and Real-Time Intensity Analysis.
- Software controlled laser incidence angle and penetration depth
Posted under Imaging and Histology