Laser scanning confocal microscope equipped with 10 lasers, 6 detectors, and tunable emission filters for fixed or live sample imaging in the visible and near-infrared range.
- Imaging diverse fluorophores in fixed or live samples
- Temperature, humidity, CO2 control
- Spectrally tunable detectors
- Ultra-fast resonant scanning (reduced photo-damage with live samples)
- 3D z-stacks, timelapse, multi-position timelapse
- FRAP/FLIP/Photoactivation, FRET (ratio or acceptor photobleaching)
Internal user $32/hour
- Olympus IX83 fully motorized inverted microscope with laser-based autofocus (zero drift compensator)
- Automated stage with multi-area time lapse, mosaic imaging, and well-plate navigation
- Tokai hit stage-top incubation chamber (heat, humidity, CO2) for live cell imaging
- Analog and digital in-out box for synchronization with external devices
Tandem Scanners
- Galvanometer scanner for high-definition imaging (64×64 to 4096×4096 pixels, 1-1000 μs/pixel)
- Resonant scanner for high-speed imaging (1024 x 1024 pixels, 0.067 μs/pixel)
Light Sources
- Diode Lasers (wavelength in nm): 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 594, 640, 685, 730, 785
- LED-based transmitted and epifluorescence illumination
Air objectives:
- UPLXAPO4X, OFN 26.5, NA 0.16, WD 13 mm
- UPLXAPO10X, OFN 26.5, NA0.40, WD 3.1 mm
- UPLXAPO20X, OFN 26.5, NA 0.80, WD 0.6 mm
Silicone oil objectives:
- UPLSAPO30XS, NA 1.05, WD 0.8mm, w/CC (with correction collar)
- UPLSAPO40XS, NA 1.25, WD 0.3mm, w/CC
Immersion oil objectives:
- PL APO 60X TIRF, OFN22, NA 1.50, WD 0.11mm, w/CC
- Conventional dichroic mirrors
- 6 SilVIR detectors (cooled SiPM, 2 broad-band and 4 red-shifted) with tunable emission filters via TruSpectral Volume Phase Hologram (1-100 nm adjustable emission bandwidth with 2 nm spectral resolution)
- Transmitted light detector for Brightfield/DIC imaging
Computer and Software
- HP Z8G5 with Windows 11
- Dell 43” UHD 4K Monitor
- Complete Fluoview Acquisition & Analysis Software provides FRAP, FRET, Ratiometric Imaging Display & Analysis, 3D Image Acquisition & Display, Live 16 Channel Spectral Unmixing, Fluorescence Intensity Measurements, Time-Lapse Imaging, and more…
- Olympus cellSens Dimension provided for additional post-acquisition data analysis and processing
- Includes Olympus cellSens Count & Measure Solution for threshold-based object detection as well as automatic object measurement and classification
Includes Olympus cellSens 3D Deconvolution Solution utilizing Constrained Iterative Deconvolution algorithm for improved resolution, contrast and dynamic range.
Posted under Imaging and Histology
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