This instrument has been decommissioned.
100-Slide Scanning System for fully automated high throughput imaging in brightfield as well as fluorescence mode
- High content imaging of fixed samples labeled with diverse stains and fluorophores mounted on slides
- Automated image stitching, 3D z-stacks for thick slide preparations
- Automatic specimen recognition capability increases data acquisition speed
- Semi-automated imaging of up to 100 slides at a time
Internal user $17/hour
- Olympus VS120 virtual slide scanner configured for transmitted and reflected light brightfield and epi-fluorescence scanning modes. Includes 100-slide loader for batch scans of 1-100 slides
Light Source
- SOLA-SE-II solid state white light excitation subsystem
- Built-in Koehler illumination for transmitted light
- 49000-BX2; ET-DAPI D350/50X, BS400, 460/50M
- 49002-BX2; ET-EGFP/FITC/CY2 470/40X, BS495, 525/50M
- 49004-BX2; ET-CY3/TRITC 545/25X, BS565, 605/70M
- 49008-BX2; ET-MCHERRY/TXRED 560/40X, BS585, 630/75M
- 49006-BX3; ET-CY5 620/60X, BS660, 700/75M
Air objectives
- 2x (NA 0.08) 7 μm/pixel
- 10x (NA 0.40) 66 μm/pixel
- 20x (NA 0.75) 0.33 μm/pixel
- 40x (NA 0.95) 0.17 μm/pixel
- Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 Plus Enhanced QE SCMOS Digital Camera
Computer and Software
- VS-ASW-FL V2.9 software for 5/6 slide and SL
- VS-HIGHSENS V2.9 license
- VS-RFAA for VS120
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