UTD received funding from the National Science Foundation for a high resolution electron beam lithography system as a result of a proposal written by Dr. Walter Hu, Dr. Lawerence Overzet and Dr. J. B. Lee for the purpose of providing researchers in the North Texas area capability for patterning nano-scale devices commensurate with the leading edge of nano-scale research. The system purchased is the new Raith 150Two EBL system, and it was installed and commissioned in the UTD NSERL Cleanroom in May of 2012. Staff and appropriate graduate students have been trained on the system by Raith training engineers and are currently starting projects using the object. Staff is in the process of characterizing performance and documenting the object procedures and lithography processes.
Key System Capability Specs:
- Thermal Field Emitter filament with beam size=/<2nm
- Beam current range 5 pA-20 nA
- Beam energy 100 eV – 30 keV
- Stage x,y,z travel range 150 x 150 x 20 mm
- Current density >/=20,000 A/cm (squared)
- Stitching accuracy =/< 40 nm (mean + 3 sigma)
- Overlay accuracy =/< 40 nm (mean + 3 sigma)
- Minimum resolution =< 10 nm
- Configured with 4″ wafer holder
- GDSII pattern creation software is included in object software and also available on line
Raith Step-by-Step Patterning Guide
“Squirm Mark Array” Alignment: Preliminary Test Process
Raith Overlay Alignment: e-Beam over Optical Patterns
Raith Freehand Leads: Patterning for Random Graphene Flakes
Wafer Alignment for Raith e-Beam Writer
Posted under Cleanroom