IVIS Lumina Series III
Capabilities include 2D planar bioluminescence and fluorescence for in vivo and in vitro imaging. Up to 5 mice can be imaged at a time to optimize data collection. Imaging analysis software is available for download on your device.
FUJIFILM VisualSonics Vevo 3100/LAZR-X Imaging System
Displays high-resolution, real-time ultrasound images and is equipped with a Class 4 laser for diagnostic imaging and fluid flow analysis in 3D. Available Scanning Features for Vevo 3100 System: B-mode System’s default imaging mode. Displays echoesin a two-dimensional view. Useful for locatinganatomical structures within a conventionalultrasound image. Pulsed Wave Doppler mode Sends short, quick pulses…
MILabs U-CT Optical Imaging System
X-ray micro computed-tomography enabled high resolution scans for greater soft tissue details, bone segmentation, low in vivo dose efficiency and more in 3D or 4D with reconstruction down to 4µm. Simultaneously, 2D bioluminescence and fluorescence images can be captured for up to three mice at a time with a CT scan for anatomical reference. Enhance…