This scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a multi-use tool that has many features. It is capable of imaging resolution of 1-2 nm, and provides acceleration voltages from 100 V to 30,000 V. It has an EDAX X-Ray spectrometer to determine elemental composition of a sample and can map the location of the elements over the image. It has both secondary electron and backscattered electron detectors for common SEM imaging as well as material sensitive imaging. It has an Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction Detector which, via software analysis can determine lattice parameters of various materials. It even has a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope system to obtain images of thin sections by sending electrons right through the sample and detecting an image from underneath the sample. For imaging electrically insulating samples, the SEM may be used in Variable Pressure mode or operated at very low acceleration voltage. The SEM is student-operated after extensive training by Cleanroom staff.
To learn about the Zeiss SIGMA series FESEM, please see this instruction manual.
To benefit from Larry Kolodziejski’s tutorial that was presented on January 17, 2023 at UT Dallas, please watch this video or view the presentation slides
To learn about the EDAX x-ray analysis and crystallography system, please see the product bulletins: Octane Elect EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) system and a DigiView EBSD (electron backscattering diffraction) camera. For instruction on how to set up for EDS, please refer to this guide. For a 10 minute-long introduction to the new EDS software, see here.
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